DW DIY - Doctor Who Napkins

18. July 2013

This DIY was like a little experiment. I know there are special wax resist sticks for drawing on fabrics, but I couldn’t find them in the shops. Instead of those wax sticks you can also use a white candle, which I didn’t have either. So, I decided to take clear nail polish, and it worked! Maybe wax works better, but it’s ok.

You need:

-         White Napkins
-         Clear Nail Polish OR Wax Resist Sticks
-         A Paint Brush
-         Fabric Dye
-         A Bucket

At first, think of what you want on your napkins and draw it down or print it in the size you need. I chose the Tardis (surprise) and K-9. Place the picture under your napkin. If you’re using nail polish like me, take a small paint brush, dip it into it and trace the outlines. Try to apply the polish evenly. The parts you paint with the nail polish (or wax sticks) will stay white after dyeing. Wait until it’s dried and check it again to see if you forgot some spots. 

When everything’s ok, you can dye it. Just follow the instructions on the fabric dye package. It normally takes about an hour, and you have to stir it again and again. After that, you have to wash it. Hang it up to dry. And that’s it! Now you can have a little Doctor Who while dinner!

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